Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Immolating The National Interest

The best way out is the closet back in. Where is this administrations Daniel Ellsberg? When we see the secret Iraq papers, the detailed orders for the mistreatment of prisoners of war. The truth always comes out eventually, or as President Bush has so scathingly remarked, “In 50 years we’ll all be dead.”
The frantic landscape of Iraq is ruined; the ground is covered in blood and riddled with twisted metal. More flesh has been torn away by fragmentation bombs than votes were cast in the last two elections. Refugees are caught in the crossfire and die before the official word of sympathy can be spoken. War is its own tribunal to overcast the clearing sky of humanity. Years ago it was argued before the supreme court that you need not burn the U.S. flag, but now as the dead arrive back in this country, the stars and stripes do not burn but are hidden under a curfew of information. The families of the victims cannot be shielded from their grief as the public is to the truth. This is an ugly situation that rears its own bloody head each time a commercial follows a listing of the dead and wounded. Serious reporting of this war does not see the glint of the television news. For the first time the Internet has become the voice of the people who do not have to get the approval of the establishment, old money and the virtuous treachery of the corporations. Websites like and many others report a clear and defining message thereby sidestepping the gray for the black and white.

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